Vodka Martini
The Vodka Martini is a quintessential classic cocktail. There are a million ways to make them, and everybody has their idea of the perfect version. For us, that’s what this is. Clean, crisp, cold and delicious. This Martini is designed to be as simple and pure as possible, to show off the quality of our Label 9 Vodka.
- 2oz of Label 9 Vodka
- 1oz Noilly Prat Extra Dry Vermouth
- 3 Dashes of Angostura Orange Bitters
- Lemon Swath
The secret to making an excellent Vodka Martini, or any cocktail for that matter, is to make sure you prepare ahead of time. This includes:
- Put your mixing glass or tin in the freezer, as well as the glass you plan to serve the cocktail in, until cold and frosty.
- Pull your ice out ahead of time. 15-20 minutes sitting at room temperature to allow it warm up slightly. This doesn’t only apply to this recipe, this is one of the biggest steps that gets skipped when making cocktails at home, and is one of the biggest reasons why your cocktails taste different at home versus a bar. The ice sitting in your freezer is too cold, and doesn’t allow for proper dilution.
- Bonus tip that can apply before/after making the cocktail; store your vermouth in the fridge. This will lengthen the shelf life significantly, and make sure that your Vermouth continues to taste the way it was intended.
- Add your Label 9 Vodka, Vermouth and bitters to chilled mixing glass along with a generous scoop of ice.
- Stir for 15-20 seconds.
- Strain into chilled glassware.
- Express lemon swath over the cocktail, garnish and enjoy!